
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Daily dose of B

Okay so I had a whoooole blog post about our breastfeeding journey and then somehow it got deleted. Guess the world didn't want to hear about all that business :) Another day!!

I reallllly want to get back to blogging. I really miss writing down our memories and going back to look at them. Does anyone even read this anymore? haha. I'm going to try to get better at taking pictures and telling our story, but this blog needs a facelift! I am no longer teaching, have a baby, and have moved….so yeah, it needs a little changing'!

Today I just wanted to add some pictures from the other day that just made my heart so happy. Seriously every day moments AKA the dreaded Wal Mart are now so much fun. She loves sitting in the cart and it was too funny watching her squeal of happiness. So long car seat!!

And she just got a little swing play set at my parent's and was swinging away without a care in the world. Wind in the hair don't care!

Life with her is just the bomb dot com.

For those of you who DO read this…anything you want to hear? Birth story? Breatfeeding journey? Motherhood? What we've been up to? How to travel (a lot) with a baby?

Here's to hoping for more writing going down!!


  1. I'm glad your back! I used to read your blog when I lived in NE and now I seem to be in the same boat - moved, had a baby and a new job :)

    As a new mom, I love to read any and all things baby/mom related.


  2. She is tooooo cute!!

  3. I still check your blog once in awhile to see if you have posted :)

    She is SOO cute!!

    I am currently 19 weeks pregnant with my first baby (girl!) and would love to read about your birth story and breastfeeding journey (both of which im slightly nervous about) !


  4. Welcome back!

    Whats up with all the frequent travel?

  5. Hi! I'm still reading and love your blog! Your baby girl is the cutest! I'm a new mom too, my little one is 10 months old :) Would love to hear your birth story as well as any tips your have on traveling with baby?? We are flying internationally next month and I am sooo nervous!!

  6. I would love to hear her birth story! I have a 5 month old baby girl and love to read other people's birth stories!

  7. She is seriously too cute!

  8. B and her Sophie are just precious!!

  9. Such a cute smiley baby! Why did you guys move? Has it been hard meeting new people?


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