Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Daily dose of B

Okay so I had a whoooole blog post about our breastfeeding journey and then somehow it got deleted. Guess the world didn't want to hear about all that business :) Another day!!

I reallllly want to get back to blogging. I really miss writing down our memories and going back to look at them. Does anyone even read this anymore? haha. I'm going to try to get better at taking pictures and telling our story, but this blog needs a facelift! I am no longer teaching, have a baby, and have moved….so yeah, it needs a little changing'!

Today I just wanted to add some pictures from the other day that just made my heart so happy. Seriously every day moments AKA the dreaded Wal Mart are now so much fun. She loves sitting in the cart and it was too funny watching her squeal of happiness. So long car seat!!

And she just got a little swing play set at my parent's and was swinging away without a care in the world. Wind in the hair don't care!

Life with her is just the bomb dot com.

For those of you who DO read this…anything you want to hear? Birth story? Breatfeeding journey? Motherhood? What we've been up to? How to travel (a lot) with a baby?

Here's to hoping for more writing going down!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Brooklyn // 7 months

7 months?!

I mean that is PRACTICALLY a year old. At least closer to a year than newborn. HOLD ME!!

What a fun, crazy, month it has been!

Weight:  16 lbs 13 oz

Length: Tall enough to not need a pillow under her bouncer ;)

Hair: Her brown locks are getting thicker!

Eyes: The prettiest blue eyes I ever did see. 

Clothes: 6-9 month, an occasional 9 month, and a few 6 month that still work. 

Diapers: Size 3

Nicknames: B, Brook-trout, Baby B, pretty girl, baby girl, monkey girl (she seriously acts like one - lol), smiley-girl, ..not very exciting nickname, sorry Brooklyn!

Sleeping: Can I just laugh at this one? My 9+ hour sleep is long gone. Where oh where has she gone?

Likes: piper, jumperoo, excersaucer, eating everything, standing up, ribbons, Sophie the Giraffe, music, jumping, crawling to get what she wants, eating eating and more eating, playing with Piper, being outside, anything we have, iPhone, when people talk or sing to her, going on walks, books, baths, and a million other things I probably forget that I will add on to later ;)

Dislikes: when mom leaves the room (she freaks), doing anything for a long period of time, when she is tired or hungrythe obvious, when Piper doesn't share..haha!, laying down, getting those boogies out, strangers. Overall, she really is a very happy baby!!

Eating: She eats BM every 3ish hours, but can go longer. I try to keep it around there though! She eats solids right now a couple of times a day and we are being super casual and relaxed about it. Just giving her things here and there and letting her explore food. She LOVES food. All good, any foodLOVES it. It's so so fun.

Milestones: said MAMA (holla!), says babababa, and has said dada once or twice, CRAWLING (oh my wordbusy to a whole new level, standing up, looking in and under things, more food choices, throws things for Piper, "gets" things more

Events: Another big month for B! Let's see in April we….went back home for a funeral, traveled to North Dakota, celebrated 7 month mark, and I'm sure I'll add to this once my brain comes back to me :)

Sweet girl,

What another fun month with you baby girl! You are so darn fun I can hardly stand it. You are also getting VERY busy and wearing your momma out ;) Your personality just keeps getting more apparent and I love it. You are definitely going to be a little firecracker, lol. You LOVE life and just are content doing just about anything…as long as momma doesn't leave the room. Then…all bets are out the window! It's so nice to finally be able to be outdoors more because you sure love it out there. Lots of grilling time to come in your future. Your daddy loves his little grilling buddy! So much fun to be had and I cannot imagine a day before you were born. You are truly the light of my life and make each day a special one. Thank you for allowing me to be your momma, it is the best job I've ever had. 

Love you always and forever and ever,
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