
Monday, April 20, 2015

A new normal

Everytime I come into this space I type and type and type.

Then delete delete delete.

I seriously can't get the words out. The feelings are stuck inside. Or maybe it's because I usually only have one hand free and I am super slow with only one hand :)

The past few months of our lives have been…a little crazy, to say the least.

We moved, traveled to FL, lived hours apart, and now are finally "settled".  Yet there are still boxes upon boxes scattered throughout our little blue cottage waiting for someone to see what treasures…or junk, reside in them.

It hasn't been easy. I would be lying if I said it had been an easy transition. We are still working on it, but we are slowly getting there. Slowly but surely.

It's just starting to be a "new normal".

I have leaned on others from far away more than ever. I have prayed more than ever before. I have trusted God more than ever before.

So in reality, it probably was the best thing to happen to my….soul. I know I can't do it alone. There is just no way to do it alone and be a good..anything. So I have had to rely on God soley for the first time in my life. It's been a blessing in disguise. I have my hands up and pray He takes the wheel on this one.

He has given me friends I never thought I'd have, brought a passion to my heart that I can't stop sharing and loving, and He has whispered to trust Him every step of the way.

I am so thankful to be about to stay home with B. Gosh it just makes my heart so freaking full I can't even tell ya. It's tiring and some days really hard to not want to just fall asleep while she is playing, but I seriously wouldn't have it any other way. So thankful for that.

I am learning that I can take a dog to the groomer without killing any of us, even if it means I am panting more than she is by the time we all get to the door.

I am learning that I have to open my heart to meeting new people, whether I am scared of it or not.

So as hard as it all is…it has helped me in all of the areas that were weak before.

I know everything happens for a reason and I am seeing that unfold daily and His faithfulness never goes unnoticed.

Hopefully Minnesota decides not to have 50 ft of snow next winter. That would be great MN, thanks :)

Over and out!


  1. Wow girl, this post is perfect. Life has been full of changes for me too, and this "new normal" has been difficult getting used to. I've been wanting to blog, but it was difficult to find the words so I'd type, type, type, and then delete, delete, delete, too!!! I loooove how God's timing is PERFECT and seeing His plans play out are simply beautiful. XO

  2. I am a Minnesota transplant as well. We love living here, but it has been an adjustment living so far from our relatives. Though the winters seem to drag on, MN makes up for it with its beautiful lakes and summer warmth! Feel free to email me if you want to chat :)

  3. Love that you are choosing the positives out of the stressful situations that have come up!!! Life's lessons at their finest!!!

  4. Change is always hard but it sounds like you are handling it beautifully! Trusting in God always helps me get through changes and I know that He will be with you every step of the way!


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