
Friday, April 3, 2015

Brooklyn // 6 months

Okay so I got all crazy and decided to start another private blog and it just…isn't working out too well. I can't get motivated, or maybe it's because I don't have any spare hands to type. Probably the latter :) I can't complain about that one though!

Well…once again, here I am. AMAZED that another month has gone by and our sweet girl is 6 months (what the what) old!

This month as been HUGE for little B. She has changed so much and is constantly changing. She is turning into a little firecracker. Love it!

Weight:  15 lbs 13 oz

Length: 26.5 inches (2 ft. 2 in.)

Hair: She's rocking hair still, but it is all business in the front, party in the back style

Eyes: Blue. LOVE her eyes. 

Clothes: Officially rocking 6-9 month clothing. She still fits in a lot of 6 as well.

Diapers: Size 3

Nicknames: B, Brook-trout, Brooky (not sure who called her that), Brookster, Sweet girl, Baby B

Sleeping: My baby went from sleeping through the night to….well, not. We have been crazy people moving all over the place the past two months so I think that isn't helping her cause because she wants to be with mom and dad. Lord help us!

Likes: smiling, bouncing, tags, baths, mornings, eating everything and anything, squash & sweet potatoes…food in general, plastic eggs, sitting up, being read/sang/talked to, looking at herself in the mirror, being outside, Piper, people watching, hitting things again her high chair, blowing air and spit, water bottles, pretty much everything!

Dislikes: sleeping ;), being tired, being away from mommy (hello separation anxiety), some strangers, being alone at all, not being able to eat Piper's toys, getting into her sleep sack

Eating: A week before Brooklyn turned 6 months old we tried her first baby food, sweet potatoes. SHE LOVED IT! I mean that girl can eat! So so fun to give her real food. She is messy and loves every second of it. She still eats breast milk every 3 hours in addition to the baby food. I usually feed her baby food 1-2 times a day. I don't stress too much about it as I know my milk is her main nutrition. She does love it though so it makes me excited to give it to her.

Milestones: sitting up, babbling, waving, pretend high fives, doing thing on command (bouncing) , started solids, sat in her high chair for the first time, sat in her stroller without the car seat for the first time, stayed at grandma and grandpa's for a week while mommy and daddy were away

Events: Well this month was HUGE for you sweet girl. We were living with grandma and grandma the past two months while daddy changed jobs. It was a whole lot of fun, but we are glad to have our guy back! You also moved to Minnesota. Yeah, sorry about the snow and cold! You stayed with grandma & grandpa for a week while mom and dad were away. You went to the lake with them, watched grandpa fish, went on walks, and met all of their awesome neighbors. So much more fun to come!

Sweet girl,

Thank you for making all of our dreams come true. You are a perfect combination of sweet and sassy. Especially sassy these days ;) You squeal if I leave you and want to constantly be by my side. You get so excited when you see us and it is the best! You have started to love your Piper and she is starting to get used to you. She will give you her toys and you will give them back. She has also licked your face a time or two. You make us SO happy and are SO fun to watch grow. Each day gets better and better…even if you don't let us sleep. We love you so!

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