Thursday, February 9, 2012

it's okay

Wowza I'm a link up fool this week. Regular blogging will be back in the near future! But since this link-up is all sorts of fun I'm joining Neely & Amber for It's Okay Thursday.

It's A. Okay....

That considering all craziness yesterday, I feel extremely relieved about our new wedding date and it will make our lives in many ways easier being a week earlier. Ya, I didn't think of this in the midst of my break down yesterday.

That our new day is 8.4.12!! No more odd number,  yahoo!

That I can't think of a valentines present for the life of me. seriously, can not.

That I haven't bought a dress for a wedding I'm going to this....friday. dang.

To say you are going to get "a lot" done every single night and never get anything done.  Story of my life.

That blogging just makes me all sorts of happy each and every single day.

That after hearing that your skin ages 7 days every time you don't wash your face I have been washing mine every single night religiously. You bet your ace I won't let this skin age THAT much. Speaking of, Johnson & Johnson: Purpose face wash is where it's at! Thanks Lindsey!

That I almost, ALMOST, spent .99 on an iphone app to make my background look all snazzy.

What are you OKay with?

P to the S  thank you for all of your comments, tweets, etc the past few days as I was down and out. Y'all never stop rocking my socks off!

Its Ok Thursdays


Amanda said...

LOVE this it's OK post! It's awesome! I've been washing my face religiously too! That fact made me freak out. I'll have to try that J&J face wash sometime!

Rachel said...

I know exactly what you mean, when you say you're going to get stuff done...and it just does not turn out that way! Loved this post, and love your blog! Just started following :)

Micah said...

8.4.12 is pretty cute. Just add 8 and 4 and get 12 :) Easy to remember. Glad the new date is taking some stress out too.

I try to be really good about washing my face too. Some nights, I really would just rather skip it and climb in bed. But I try to at least wash and moisturize every night.

B F said...

Yay for a new date! Glad everything worked out!

Anonymous said...

Yay for landing on a new date! August is a great month :D (it's my birthday month)

KRISTIN said...

so glad you have a new date! and never getting anything done despite having major plans to be productive is the story of my life as well.

Renee Arianna said...

So glad to hear the date worked out! And you are right... I always say I'm going to be productive and fail. I read that post about the facewash! I'm certainly going to have to try it!

Unknown said...

Yay for a better date! I think I wash my face twice a day, haha. I am at a VDAY loss as well. Great blog, first time here, and I love it. Cuptakes is so worth it haha.

Unknown said...

I am having the hardest time with Valtines Day gift ideas too!

Kristin said...

yay for the new date! glad it worked out! you will be tying the knot a month before me :)

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