Monday, July 29, 2013

Move It or Lose It

And....then it's Monday. Just like that.

This Monday is a little more exciting because as we SPEAK, I will be venturing to visit my good friend and roommate from college/partner in crime/bridesmaid for the day.

And holy cow inservices start THIS WEEK. That means, school is in session. Where did summer go?! Thankfully the kids don't start until the 16th. Whew.

In other news I am going to try to make Mondays the day I hold myself accountable for all that I have done in relation to fitness/food the week before.

If you are annoyed of fitness/health posts, I am truly sorry you can close your eyes on Mondays, but it is going to help hold me accountable for what I've been doing. And do you think I want to look like a loser on Monday saying errrr, I did nothing but lay around and eat potato chips? Yeah, that would not be fun.

Here is what went down last week:

*Before and after each workout is 5-10 minutes of stretching

Monday: 15 min. warm up // Circuit Workout (3X each: 10 push-ups, 20 sit ups, 25 squats, 20 lunges, 10 jumping jacks, and 60 second wall sit) // Chest & Shoulders

Tuesday: Off (Aka. Got hit by a van)

Wednesday:15 min. warm up // Circuit Workout // 10 min. cool down

Thursday: Ran for 1.6 miles...whomp, whomp, whomp

Friday: 20 min. on treadmill // Hamstrings, Calves, and Biceps // 5 min cool down

Saturday:  Ran 2.4 miles // Abs (10 V-Ups, 20 Burpees, 30 Scissors, 40 Oblique twists, 50 Mountain Climbers, and 60 bicycles)

Sunday: Off

True Life:

- Putting veggies for the week in baggies has saved my life
- Hard boiled eggs are the BEST fast breakfast, ever
- Amazeballs are pretty darn awesome
- Hell No Yes, H2O


Caitlin said...

Cutting up veggies before the week of work has saved my life as well! Makes it so easy to eat and grab for lunch!

Nikki said...

GREAT job friend! I do a Sunday post that recaps my workouts for the week. Dont be sorry for recaping things!

Corie said...

I need to start preparing snack packs on the weekend for the week, because there's just not enough time during the week!

How is school already almost in session?! August 16th? That's crazy! So early to me lol

Amber said...

You are rockin' it girlfriend! I giggled at Hell Yes H2O :)

Love your shirt!

Heather said...

I did similar posts a few months ago to keep me accountable and it really helped! I never wanted to write a post where I said I did nothing for the week. I, personally, love these posts from others..they keep me motivated :)!

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