Sunday, June 30, 2013

Our little lake girl // How to connect now that Google Reader is leaving us

There is just something about the lake that just makes me the happiest girl in the entire universe.

There is just nothing like it to me. Especially when you are with your husband and family. It's pretty hard to beat it. All we are missing is a few important people.

Another person who is pretty obsessed with the lake is Miss Piper. She loves it just about as much as we do. If that is possible. 

I try to take her out to the restroom and all she does is choke herself until I sprint down to the water with her and take her on the dock. 

I took a few pictures of our lake rat in action. I am so happy that my other half also gets a few days to spend at the lake with us. Now bring on the 4th and all the fireworks!

And a huge CONGRATS to my parents for their new purchase of a sweet boat. Love it! Not too bad of an anniversary present :)

p to the we all know, google reader is leaving us all. (sad, I know) But if you want to follow this little blog of mine there are a few ways to do so. 

Instagram (my go to)

I promise some day I will be back to my ol' bloggin' self. For NOW, I am just enjoying every little second of life. 

Happy 4th of July WEEK!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Aw!!! She's adorable! Enjoy!!

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