Thursday, September 29, 2011

blog name change?

So I've been doing some thinking....

& I''m really wanting to do a blog name change.

Number One reason because well...the current one just doesn't make much sense to me.

I guess it did at the time?
Because I put a little "touch" of my midwestern values into everything I do

The Midwest is cool & all but what I really love about it is my home state, Kansas.

Where I was born & raised.

And what I love so much about Kansas is my small town & all I learned in that place.  Okay, and my current town because the Kansas Jayhawks are the absolute best...ever.

So all in all, I really need to change it to something that makes sense and defines who I am.

Guess I better start thinking.


Rissy said...

I changed the name of my blog back when I really got into blogging... it was a great decision I think...

Good luck deciding! and you know we'd all be up for a vote if need be ; )


Raquel said...
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Katie said...

I want to change my blog name too. I want something that is more descriptive of what the blog is about, and my personality. Right now I feel like it's just "blah" - it's not a good advertisement for what the blog is about, and that's like your first introduction to the world. I've been trying for almost a year, but can't come up with something really good, so I've just left it. :( Good luck to us both!

Raquel said...

Here are some name suggestions for you: "We're definitely in Kansas" "The Kansas Diaries" "Diaries of a Kansas Girl" or just leave it how it is now, but change it to kansas instead "A Kansas Touch." Idk i thought those were cute :)

Lauren Nicole said...

oo, i struggled with this for about a good month of so.. for the first year, i was: believe, dream, achieve.. i still love it, but i fell in love with let it be, mainly because it relates to everything - where as some of my posts weren't related to believing, dreaming, or achieving.

i love "a midwestern touch", i do.

i also like the ideas that raquel came up with, too.

or.. how about "a touch of kansas"

something that is still a part of "a midwestern touch", but different.. if that makes sense

good luck! i'm sure you'll make the best decision for you!

xo, lauren [let it be.]

Sierra said...

Hmm a blog change is always fun, but you're right - not sure which way to go! I love Kansas so maybe A Kansas State of Mind or Kansas Girl at Heart or something like that? Can't wait to see what you come up if you change it!

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