Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Some miracle has come upon us all and I have won not only one giveaway in the past month


Really? Seriously?

This does not happen to me.

I am that girl that never ever gets picked to win anything. Ever.

One time when I was younger {grade school} I was at a D.A.R.E day thing at lake nearby and they have a huge raffer at the end of it where pretty much every single kid there won something.

Who didn't? Ya, that would be me.
The little white paper with my name neatly printed on it had actually....somehow....flew OUT of the box and had brown shoe scuff marks all over it that they later found after....all the prizes were gone. That is how unlucky I am in the prize department.

So big virtually hugs to Lindsey & Michelle for giving me a month of good luck :)

Oh and P.S. Becky is having an UH-mazing giveaway over at From Mrs to Mama that you {shouldn't} check out because I want to be the winner winner chicken dinner. Planners and me have a special bond....that giveaway needs me :)


Jennʻs Adventureʻs said...

awesomesauce!! sorry girl- I totally just entered this giveaway!! ;)

Steph said...

You better go buy a lotto ticket with that luck you've got going! And I'm a new follower of your blog...and just saw that you have a fiance. Congrats to you two on your engagement and happy wedding planning! Isn't it exciting? Lots of work, but fun!
xo Steph

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