Friday, May 18, 2012

friday letter

Dear KU football team, Are you ready to rumble?! I am so pumped to have season tickets to watch you. Don't let me down...don't let me down. (But I'll still love you if you do...per usual). Dear Job, You are making me make really hard decisions that I'm not good at. Let's just meet in the middle, cool? Dear Patty (Patrick), You graduate this Sunday and it's making me feel old and all sorts of sad. I don't think you should grow up, just stay little...alright? I am ready for you to be in the best city ever though and wish I were joining you! So proud of you. So so proud. Dear Bloggistas, I adore y'all so much. More than you know. And all those comments on my last post? Can I just give you all a big virtual hug. Thank you for the support and sweet words! Dear Jeffy, Goodness, thanks for putting up with me this week. And can I tell you how excited I am for the things coming up? Excited like whooooooooa.

Happy WEEKEND y'all!



Kelly said...

YAY for KU football tickets!! SO much fun. Congrats to your little bro too. I remember when my sister graduated high school. Such a proud and surreal weekend ;-) Happy Friday!!

Amanda said...

"Bloggistas" .. Adorbs!

Neely said...

Hope you had a wonderful weekend darling girl. XOXO

Unknown said...

I hate those hard decisions at work! Sometime you just wanna tell people to shove it but no you have to do the "right" thing and bite your tounge! Lol!

Check out my giveaway:

Anonymous said...

:) cute!

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