Brooklyn - 3 Months
Brooklyn - Three Months
Three months…3.5 months…whatever you want to call it :) I did type this closer to three though…I'm just now posting it. Whoopsie!
Nicknames: Sweet girl, baby girl, brook-trout (lol, from my dad and niece), Baby B
Eating: She is still eating around every 3 hours. Almost on the dot really. I'm not sure how much she drinks because I breastfeed her, but she was eating 6 ounces while we were away for Jeff's Christmas party. Whoa girl! I heard this may be too much but she screams after 4 so I'm not really sure on all of that business. She LOVES her food though. That is a FACT. Always has been. Don't mess with a girl and her food.
Sleeping: Sleep during the day is AWESOME….ONLY when she is sleeping on someone. Otherwise, no sleep. It's the weirdest thing. So therefore momma gets nothing done but she gets snuggles for days so I'll take it. I can't complain about that.
She does sleep all night though and I still am SO THANKFUL for that. I did hear at 4 months that will probably all change. Nooooo. She usually sleeps anywhere between (9-11) to (7-8). Our schedule is called follow Brooklyn's lead. This probably isn't the recommended schedule but it works for us. She is on a eat play sleep "schedule" though and therefore I usually always know what she wants and when she wants it. Girl is getting some sass in her these days trying to tell us what she wants. Too funny!
Diapers: Size 1 diapers - pamper swaddlers. About to switch her to 2 in the near future.
Clothing: She has been wearing 0-3 and 3 month up until now. She has outgrown 0-3 almost has outgrown 3M. On to the 3-6 month we go!
Social: Gosh this one just keeps getting more and more fun! She is really starting to show her sass and personality these days. She lets us know with a high pitched squeal if she doesn't want to sit somewhere for too long or just isn't happy in general. She would much rather be held and sitting up rather than laying down chilling like her newborn self used to. She loves to explore and I just cannot get enough of all that she is taking it. She particularly likes when people talk to her and talks back like she knows what the heck you are saying. I cannot believe some day they will be real words! She is getting so much stronger and can hold her head up, ROLLED OVER (that I caught while snap chatting a friend), and getting better at grabbing toys. When she locks eyes she is focused!

Likes: She likes talking, smiling, laughing (SO fun), cooing, motor boating, spit bubbles, kicking her feet 110mph, grabbing toys on her play mat, looking at herself in the mirror, being read to and sang to, Sophie the giraffe, LOVES baths, her vitamins, sitting up (assisted), looking all around (especially trying to find the TV).
Dislikes: Being overtired or hungry, being in one spot for too long, laying sideways or laying down in general, naps, loud sudden noises.
What we're looking forward to: Every single day we get to spend with our sweet girl! Her baptism and many more exciting things coming up!
Dear Sweet Brooklyn,
Oh Brooklyn, so many words…so little time. I think I say the same thing every month, but they are always so true. I can't help but love you more and more each day. You are developing quite the personality little lady! Your smiles melt my heart and your laughs are the best thing I've ever heard. You think a lot of things are pretty hilarious! You are starting to get a mind of your own and tell us a lllll about it. Too funny! I can tell you will give us a run for our money and I.can't.wait. Each day is better with you in it and I will continually to thank God for you all of the days of my life. You are the best blessing and I can't even imagine what life was like before you. YOU are the light of our life. The pep in our step. Thank you for being my greatest little love. I pray you always know just how much you mean to us and never forget it! Happy 3 months baby girl!
Your Momma
She is adorable :)
Sweet baby girl... It does not seem like she should already be 3 months..
oklha kalau begitu.
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