Hey, it's me, Molly. Do you remember me?
Didn't think so.
All I can say is,
school is definitely in full force.
Thankfully the weekend saves me every time! Not that I don't like my job, it's just the first couple of months at the beginning are extremely exhausting. Okay, who am I kidding, all the months are exhausting. But that's neither here nor there.
On to more exciting things like....
Gosh do you know how happy it makes me to know that KU football has finally started?! Makes me
happy, happy, happy.
It doesn't make Piper happy though because she has to stay at her Doggy Resort while we are gone. I am trying to figure out if it will ever get less heartbreaking to leave her there. If only she could join....
This weekend started off our football extravaganza. The weekend we had been waiting for since basketball ended last March. In high hopes that we could beat our record of winning one, lonely game last year.
The good news is we already matched our record from last year and won the first game. So if we win two, it doubles our record from last year. Win-win.
Anyway, we all know one of the best parts of football is the tailgating. It's what makes football, well, football. Not necessarily in the 100 degree weather, but tailgating none the least.
We (as in Jeff, the ultimate tailgater) got a little crazy the first game and rented a YukonXL so we could fit all of our loot. Poor little Camry wasn't expanding like we wanted her to.
So we packed the Yukon tight, and headed to Lawrence Friday night with one of Jeff's friends.
Saturday we got up early, headed down the infamous Mass St. and around noon we headed to the stadium to get the party started. We found out not many people tailgate at noon for a 6 o'clock game. What are they thinking?
Unfortunately I barely got any pictures of the tailgate, but it was a rockin'. We were prepared this year with gobs of food, very full coolers, and jayhawks touching every little thing we brought. Pretty much perfection.
And the crazy think to this is....
we get to do it alllll over again in a couple of weeks.
Bring on Fall!!
3rd gradiom of the week:
Backstory: My teacher laptop has not worked correctly since last year. The internet hasn't worked for over a week, almost two, and that leaves Mrs. S very....frustrated.
I had big plans for a lesson online (positive thinking) and the internet decided not to work again.
I told the kids we all needed to pray for patience and the internet to work so they could learn what I had to teach them that day. I had a student volunteer to pray and he said an Our Father for us.
After he was done it was completely silent.
Student A breaking the silence: Well.....that was awkward.
Me: (laughing) Why's that?
Student A: Well we've never prayed for technology before.
Me: Well when I get frustrated about anything, I always pray. That's just how I roll. So let's just hope the internet starts working.
And then I shut up. And the internet never did work. What can ya do? PS this is totally one of those stories you had to be there, which is why I wrote it. It was so incredibly funny to me at the time.