Sunday, August 4, 2013

One year down, a lifetime to go

Well it is official, we have survived 365 days living under the same roof, sharing drawers, and counter space.

Better yet, we have gone 365 growing, changing, traveling, and loving, a whole awful lot.

I am typing this a bit premature (8.2.12, which also happens to be my mom's birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM) but Jeff surprised me with a one year anniversary road trip. I'm not sure where we are going yet, but I am ready to find out.

Over the past year we have traveled to two different countries, five different states, and gathered a TON of memories along the way. Traveling is one of my very favorite passions, among others, that we get to share together. Leaving a little piece of Team S every where that we go.

We have also been to a dozen KU football games, numerous lake trips, and picked up a little child in between. One that we just cannot imagine our lives without. Even if she is furry and takes up 90% of the bed.

One year ago today I was waking up the most emotional I had ever been. I was filled with so many emotions and I just prayed that my make-up would stay on. 

I was so overwhelmed with love, support, excitement, nerves, and a bit too much heat from the 113 degree day we decided to call our wedding day.

It was all the most surreal thing I had ever experienced. I kept asking myself if this was really happening to me. If I was really getting married. If I had been so lucky to have found someone who was going to love me eternally and selflessly.

One year ago today we packed my hometown Catholic church, and were surrounded by everyone we loved so very dearly. Peoples that have forever changed our lives. Friends that have been by our sides for decades. And family that we couldn't live without.

It is one day, one day that makes me tear up simply thinking about. Not only the day itself, but all that went into that day. The people who made our vision and dream come alive. All of the memories, dates, love notes, and moments that led us to that alter. 

We toasted (without drinks at first), we celebrated, we danced, and we even ended the drought.

I am so incredibly blessed for the past year of marriage, all that came with it and all of the ups and even a few of the downs. I cannot wait for the many years to come and to see where it all takes us.

So cheers to us surviving ONE YEAR, and cheers to having two bathroom sinks!


Becky said...

happy anniversary!!! i hope you had a great weekend celebrating at KU :)

Kristin said...

happy anniversary!!

Nikki said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy happy anniversary!! :)

Corie said...

Happy Anniversary! <3

Amber said...

Happy belated anniversary, you two love birds!!! xo

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