Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Surprise Anniversary Trip (Part Two)

Summer...summer...where are you?!

This whole working biz is for the birds.

On another note, anniversary news. Yes, that was about a week ago. How do weeks go by so fast? I guess once you actually have to work and not hang out with your dog all day things start to speed up.

Saturday Night

So the second half of our anniversary weekend. I think I left off at the bar. I guess that doesn't really narrow it down. After lunch at the famous dollar Jefferson's, we headed back to the hotel for a bit to get ready for the rest of the night. Well I guess I got ready and Jeff watched Tiger Woods golf. Typical. 

We headed off to 23rd Street Brewery for dinner, home of some of the best beer around. Wave the Wheat, to be exact. We have spent many of dates at 23rd Street and will always be coming back for more. Best little sports/brewery you ever did see. Plus it is bombarded with KU memorabilia so it really can't be too bad, can it?

After stuffing ourselves with goodness, we decided it was time to really "go back". As in "go back" and hang out at the bar that we met at just five little years ago.

We got there around 9:00, which to me is prime time and to "real" college kids it's pretty much morning. I ordered my whiskey and coke so I could pretend like it really was the day we met. Minus the many additional ones that I had that night.

As the hours ticked by, we loaded our table with drinks, had a visitor, watched the college kids flood in, and the drinks get stronger.

It is so funny how your views of "going out" outfits change once you are out of college. I guess they were single and ready to mingle! Can't say I was never there before.

We ended up leaving around 1, and the bars were only getting busier. Since we are old and all, we didn't want to wait in line for an hour+ to get into another bar, so we headed out and kissed our sweet anniversary goodbye. Until morning....


We saved the toasting and cake eating for Sunday, our actual anniversary day. I will keep Sunday short and sweet because I can't stop talking.

Classy, right?
Sunday consisted of church, bloody mary's, our favorite brunch spot, and a toast and bite of cake.

It was such an incredible weekend and we both left with our tank's full and ready to get back to our baby girl.

Life is just better with those two by my side....


Helene in Between said...

y;all are so freaking cute!! happy anniversary- looks like so much fun!

Sar said...

Awww, Mol, you guys are adorable! Looks like so much fun! Happy anniversary, sweet woman!

Corie said...

I'm glad it was such a great anniversary weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Adorable pictures! You two are so cute! Happy anniversary!

Jen Mc said...

Happy belated anniversary! That looks like a fun trip.

Visiting from Nestful of Love

Kirsten said...

Yay Lawrence! Happy Belated Anniversary

Erin LFF said...

Awww- so glad you guys had so much fun celebrating your first anniversary! Looks like an awesome time, and seriously lady- you couldn't be any more gorgeous!!! :)

Kristin said...

How was the cake?? Wondering how long I need to defrost ours before eating

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