Friday, June 13, 2014

Bumpdate - 24 Weeks

So what has been going on this week? Whoathis week went by FAST. I think I may finally catch up to the week I'm actually on! There has been a lot going on this week, just not with me. We had a flood in our kitchen (I'll pretend it wasn't my fault) and had to redo our wood floors upstairs, countertops, and carpet in the basement. This week they put in the new wood floor and I finally feel like I am free from the basement! Thank the Lord! 

In regards to growing this little one, I went to the doctor on Monday and had a 3 minute doctor's appointment. He walked in, got the heartbeat, said I'm almost home free, and that was that. Wait…what? 

How far along? 24 weeks

Baby girl's hair is still changing to the color it will be at birth! How freaking cute! I had an inkling it will be really dark brown, but I could but 110% wrong. Who knows? Her lungs are now developing for her first breaths. :)

Baby Size: Ear of corn

Maternity Clothes:  Yes and they are 100 times more comfortable than my clothes. However, I think I need a few more dresses so I don't have to wear the same thing every week. 

Movement? Yes! I feel like I can feel her more often now and I flipping love it. I can also see her moving on the outside at times and it's the craziest thing! I know she is running out of room and so it's probably easier for me to feel it all. I had a dream last night I could see her elbow, so random. Haha. I can't wait to hear her hiccup!

Food cravings/adversions? Nothing in particular but I do have to eat often or I could eat an elephant in starvation. 

Nausea, vomiting, or sickness? No, thank you LORD!

What I miss: Being able to help out with more. I can't lift much and feel like Jeff is picking up a LOT of my slack. Thank God for that guy!

Symptoms?  Just the normal jazzfrequent urination, some cramps, headaches, and  back pain (happening A LOT more).

Daddy-ism of the week: I don't know if I have an daddy-isms but I love how her says hello to her and rubs my stomach so she knows he's there. 

Best moment this week? Non-pregnancy related, getting our floors done and being able to get our house semi back together. The best moment pregnancy wise is knowing that baby girl is growing and healthy and I just pray she keeps rocking it to full term! Grow baby girl, grow!

Workouts: Just walkingstill too nervous after all that went down previously to do anything too much even though I know it's fine. Walking will work for now!

Gender:  Hellllo, GIRL!

Sleep? Pretty good this week. I still get pretty uncomfortable at times and switch sides 500 times a night, but I am thankful I only have to wake up once to pee. Some people have to wake up multiple times. Yikes!

What I'm looking forward to? Progress on our casa, our trip to Dallas, lake time, and our baby shower!!


Heather said...

The cramps always freaked me out. I was always like wha whasat?! whasat?! even though I knew everything was fine.

Congrats on your sweet girl!

Kenya said...

I barely slept last Friday night with the back pain I was having... Pillows didn't help at all and then baby girl decided it was time to kick and move around at 3am. lol... I'm 23 weeks now so a week behind you!

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