Monday, November 12, 2012

christmas card time....for you (giveaway)

Oh  my word the holiday music a blaring in the stores and decor is just calling me into the Christmas spirit.

Somehow this just lights up my little soul. Early or not, it gets me pumped up for the season. The season where the grinches are actually decent people. Oh happy daaaaay.

I also have talked about my love for Christmas cards. And obviously it is NEVER too early for Christmas cards.

As I talked about our newest addition yesterday, we are thinking about getting more holiday cards with Piper in them. This brings me to Tiny Prints.

Tiny Prints has some pretty adorable Christmas Cards Here are a few of my favorites and ones I would definitely consider purchasing. Okay who am I kidding I want them allllll.

PLUS you can get 25% off until tomorrow. Bow chicka ow owwwww. They are always offering bomb diggity deals so don't forget to go to their special offer page!

I am going to be really  jealous of someone because I'm here to give YOU a chance to win $50 credit to Tiny Prints. (This expires 12/14/12 and and there are no extensions. It does not include shipping and cannot be combined with any other offers.)

I guess they do say the best gift to give is the one you want for yourself! Enter using the tool below. GOOOOOOOOD luck! Ho Ho Hooooooo.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by Tiny Prints. However, all things said above are completely opinions of my own.


Kaity B. said...

So thankful for my amazing hubby <3

Amanda said...

I'm thankful for my mama, husband, & the 23 years I had with my gram who is now with Jesus.

Ashley Quarles said...

Can't wait to get our pictures in so I can design our card!!

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