Tuesday, July 17, 2012

the 411

Can I just say it is totally NOT as easy to recover after drinking for 12 hours? Well it has totally kicked my butt. Which to me means... Bachlorette party success. Pictures coming soon.

I can say there was some involvement with blow up dolls, lots of dancing, too many shots, and bull riding experience.

Anyway, today I'm linking up with one of my all time favorites Becky at From Mrs to Mama for the 411 about me. Uh oh, are you ready?!

1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I have been blogging for about a year and a half now. I started blogging becaue I have the worst memory evvvver and I wanted to remember this journey I was on. I first started using it to write down DIY things I'd found and then after we got engaged it turned into almost a little journal. It definitely has blessed me more than I imagined.

2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?
Sure did. University of Kansas (ROCK CHALK) to be exact. I students Elementary Education and am starting my first teaching job in just a few short weeks. Terrified is an understatement. If only college wasn't so short. I sure miss it like crazy.

3. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
First? That's a touch one. Actually gas would probably be the first thing I'd buy because knowing me, I'd be on empty. Then I'd go buy a really sweet camera so I could take pictures of all the really awesome places I was about to go on.

4. What are your three biggest pet peeves?
-People who drive slow.
-Whistling/Clicking noises

5. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda Tea?
Well that is almost an impossible question. I like all of them (minus tea) in different occasions. I'd have to say I drink beer the more though. I do love me some red wine though, and could always use a whiskey and sprite. Other than that, water is definitely where it's at. But I sure don't drink it enough.
6. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?
Well one thing is obviously blogging. It puts a little pep in my step and finding people with so many common interests as you is always fun. However, I haven't done blogging at much lately (wedding in less than 20!). I also looooove to read. I get way to sucked in though, talk about obsession.

7. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present.
It's weird because I know I have had a bazillion embarrassing moments, but now that I'm asked..I can't really remember one. A good one at least. I do have a recent one, which isn't crazy embarrasing but it totally embarrassed me.

I was at a restaurant with the family, that happens to be only open two days a week, so of course there were a bazillion people there. The waitress found out we were there doing stuff for the wedding so she asked me (and my brother because she thought he was my fiane-yikes) and yelled for the whole restaurant to yell congrats to me. Insert red face here.

8. If your life was turned into a movie..what actor would play you?
I have no idea who would play me, but I'd want to be Kelly Ripa or Julia Roberts. Love love love them both. And no this doesn't answer the question, but I thought I'd give them a shout out.

9. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
High School
-Bank- I don't advise that to anyone unless they have baller co-workers. Worst.Ever.
-Restaurant- I have most everyone free cheesecake so I'd get a good tip.
-Golfing Range- Which I would just dance around in the store to country music and dust the shelves and pick up balls.

-Sporting Goods Store
-Nanny- For 5 wonderful years. Wouldn't trade that for the world.
-School of Education- All I really did was look at food on stumbleupon and then discovered pinterest. It was a pretty tough life.
-Athletics Dept.- I got to deliver mail to all the staff and coaches. One of the coolest experiences at KU. I've got to thank Jeff for that.

10. Show us a picture of you in high school or college.

12. Show us the most current picture of you or you and your family.

13. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?
I see myself following God's plan. So wherever that takes me, is where I will be.


Jamie said...

Kelly Ripa is a great answer! Love the post. New follower.

Corie said...

I HATEEEEE being the center of attention, so I was reallyyyyy nervous about my wedding day, but it ended up not phasing me AT ALL. Miracle! I hope the same happens for you :)

Kristin said...

Cant wait to hear about your bach trip!

Amber said...

The fact that the blow up doll says Jeff cracks me up! :)

Your jobs throughout college sound pretty amazing!

Amanda C. said...

Looks like you had a good looking date for the bachelorette party. I can't wait to see pics.

Perfectly Imperfect said...

I'm a new follower so loved this catch up. And I totally laughed at your embarrassment story. That is kind of awkward ;)

Sam said...

Sounds like a successful bachelorette party! Sleep it off, girl!

Syndal said...

haha I don't think I've recovered from my weekend too..mine lasted from friday til sunday!

Can't wait to see more photos :)

undomestic mama said...

I love that your blow up doll has a name. and I could totally see Julia Roberts playing you.

Brittaney said...

Found your blog through the link up. The picture of you and your fiance is adorable! And I'm off to a bachelorette party this weekend... I can only hope it is as fun as your looks! Excited to be a new follower!

Pretty Zesty said...

Really cute photos to go along with the tale! :o)


ajs {of MN} said...

haha our pet peeves are pretty much the exact same!! holla!! :) happy early wedding wishes!!

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