Thursday, September 20, 2012

living with the husband

More than a post in a week? Miracles do happen.

So I realized I haven't really said one thing yet what it's like to be married, to live with the husband, or anything relating to the change of my last name (other than the honeymoon). 

Part of it is because I was waiting on our wedding pictures to come back so I could have some pictures to add to the post. Since that hasn't happened yet, I will just talk about how it really is to live with a person of the opposite sex. 

Like I've said many of times before, change is really really difficult for me. I get attached. I get set in my ways. Change is a good thing for me, but I'm just flat out not good at accepting it.

So when I knew that I was about to have my world rocked (in a good way) and move out of the comfort of my parents home to a foreign town I barely knew with the man I love. It was hard. Hard because the real world was about to smack me in the face and of course I'd miss my familia.

The easy part? I knew even though I was leaving everything I loved and was comfortable with, I was also beyond pumped to be living with the now husband. Long distance has been against us for far too long and living together....well I can just say it's been a huge blessing that I am so thankful to have.

I love living with him. I love being close. I love NOT being two hours away. It's crazy how much our relationship has grown and I've fallen more in love with the guy since we have been able to really be with each other. Not through a stupid earpiece. 

It's funny because before we were married for some reason I thought it would just feel different.  The only thing different I feel is more love for my husband. And I still think the word husband sounds weird. haha. Somehow I always put "older" with "husband and wife". Changed my  mind real fast on that one.

I do have to say I can't thank my lucky stars enough for him choosing my to be his wife. I know not everyday is easy living with me, but he is always by my side trying to make life easier and better for us. Plus he works his little tail off for his little family and I appreciate this handsome man more than he'll ever know.

Anyway, that's the skinny so far.

Over and out good buddies :)


Kate @ Classy Living said...

I think that's one of the things I'm most excited about when it comes to my dreams about marriage. My fiance and I are in a long-distance relationships right now, so I can't wait for the day when we never have to say goodnight over text message again :)

Amanda C. said...

I am glad you are enjoyed being a newly wed and finally getting to spend some time with your man! I thought being married would be different too. That seems to be a common misconception. I can't wait to see more pics!!!

Stephanie said...

Agreed!! Living with my husband is SO much fun and even though it may not be rainbows and butterflies every day, I have fallen more and more in love with him as the days go by! I like to refer to marriage/living with each other as an "adult slumber party with your best friend". SO true!

Jennifer said...

I agree! I love living with my husband! Being around him makes me so happy and now that we have our own little one, I am even happier.

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