Friday, June 21, 2013

Piper and the beaver

Yes, I am about to write an entire post and my dog and a beaver. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I have no idea why I felt like I should write this post but I guess it's one of those things where it just makes you smile inside so heck....why not?!

Piper has one of the biggest personalities I have seen in a dog. She is freaking human I tell ya. Or maybe just really, really spoiled. Probably the later. 

Last year our wedding photographer sent us the sweetest package when we got Piper. It had some treats and this log with two beavers in it. I am cracking up at how entirely silly this sounds.

Anyway, she has been obsessed with this beaver ever since. It's like her little child she will not let out of her sight. And this beaver is about the size of my pinky. So tiny, yet for some reason she loves it so much.

Every day she gets her beaver and sets it on my foot so I can throw it 500 times and she can chase it and bring it back. If I don't pick up the beaver you can bet she tells me all about what she thinks about that. Uh no girlfriend, not happening. 

So yesterday I was laughing watching her with that dang beaver and thought I'd take some pictures. This is most likely only funny to me because well, need to explain.

Talk to the ear, the face ain't listening.

And there we have it, I just wrote a post about a freaking beaver. I have officially gone bonkers. Maybe I do need to go back to work.


Jeannie said...

Dog posts are too sweet. I miss my dog :)

Raquel said...

Awwwww this is too cute!

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