Monday, July 15, 2013

The letter that told my future

Growing up, I attended a Catholic school for nine years. Those were hands down the best years of my life growing up. The years before I turned into a moody know-it-all teenager. :)

Many memories from those years I hold very close to my heart. I still occasionally keep in contact with my teachers from then, and am still inspired by their teaching on the daily. My very best friends are still the ones I met in preschool and kindergarden. Four of them were in my wedding. 

I found something very special to me the other day. My mom gave this note to me a year or so ago because she thought I'd like to keep it. This note is from 3rd grade, as you will see, and what it has written on it has me laughing inside. 

How could such a little mind predict the future? Funny out it all worked out that way.

Anyway, here is the letter I wrote. And don't mind me, I obviously don't know the difference between "b" and "d". No big deal. 


Corie said...

My husband went to a Catholic elementary school and 4 of his best friends now are the same ones he had back then :) It's so sweet!

Tiffany said...

Love it!!

Camille said...

This is so sweet!
Also? I'm pretty sure that every teacher I ever had had that exact handwriting...

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