Friday, February 8, 2013

friday letters

Holy cow. Is it seriously Friday?! I swear it was just Sunday. Not that I am complaining or anything.

I am feeling all sorts of Valentinesy since we are having our class Valentines Day party today. It actually feels a little weird being so early. I guess that's what happens when you get Valentine's Day off for the oh so horrid fun conferences.

Time for some Friday letters. I miss writing letters.

Dear Piper, You made me realize yesterday I am not ready for a child.  I took you to your vet appointment and you were trying to jump out of my arms and kept crying so you could go lick everyone. I forgot your leash, so you were stuck in my arms crying your little heart out for the fifteen longest minutes of my life. I'm sorry. I have to say though, everyone said you brightened their day. How could you not?  Dear Jeff, You cannot leave again. The end. Okay okay, I'll give you more than that. I hate when you leave and it always feels like something is missing. Or maybe it's because a king size bed with one person and a dog just feels really weird. Dear Home, I seriously cannot wait to see you. Dear Beer, Why do you taste 100 times better when I'm taking a hot bath? Is that weird? I have no idea. Dear Blog, I'm sorry I'm a crappy friend but I still love you. And I love you who still come back and see me. Dear KU, I am going to pretend yesterday never happened. I still love you, but hey....get your shiz together. Dear Target, You are the third love of my life. It's true. I do I do I dooo-ooo love you. Dear God, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Happy Friday folks!

Over and out good buddies.



Megan said...

Piper is just the cutest little thing, and it's good practice, to have a puppy before you have kids! If my dogs could talk, I would never even think about having kids.

Meg O. said...

Now I want to drink a beer while taking a bath. That sounds fabulous. Piper is freaking adorable, too.

Ashley said...

I swear, Target is a love of my life too. Love that store!

Chloe said...

What in the world gave you the inclination to drink a beer in a bath?? Lol. Piper is adorable.

Kristin said...

haha being a fur mom is not easy!!

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