Monday, October 31, 2011

e.l.f it up

So now that I have had time to try out my new goods I won from The Bargain Blonde, I thought I'd share a little about what I thought of each of the e.l.f products I got and tried out!

I must say before I talk about the products that the e.l.f products in general are just fabulous. They are super cost friendly but are just as good and in some cases better than other make-ups I have tried that are twice the price. Seriously, you CAN get more with less.

1. Shimmering Facial Whip

The Shimmering Facial Whip was one of the first things I tried when I got the amazing package and was head over heels for it. I don't know if my face was weird that day or what because it make my cheeks looks 100x better than normal and brought out a little "shine" in them. It hasn't worked as good since the first day but I still love the look it gives and definitely a little goes a long way. Nothing better than some bootyful cheeks! I think you can use it for eyes too. Haven't hopped on that yet.

2. Mineral Infused Mascara

I swear to my Maybelline Volum'Express Falsies mascara but this mascara was so perfect to use after I put on my usually mascara to get all the clumps and such out. Perfect. They were meant to be together! However, I am EXTREMELY picky on my mascara and tried it on by itself and didn't think it gave the same volume as the falsies but definitely loved how it seperated my eye lashes and gave them a little pump.

3. Eyelid primer

Yes, yes and yes. I LOVE the eyelid primer. My eye make-up use to come off like uh....30 minutes I swear after I put it on before but now it stays on pretty much the entire day. It's crazy! Like a miracle I tell ya :) Plus, you don't have to use very much at all so it will last quite awhile.

4. Waterproof Eyeliner Pen

Okay, another thing I am picky with is my eyeliner. And friends, is one of my favorite eyeliners I've ever used to date. It takes 2 seconds to use and makes the PERFECT straight line. Plus, it is waterproof which makes it even that much better. Love ittttt.

5. Glossy Gloss (Dragon Fruit)

Adore this gloss. Perfect shade. I haven't tried any other colors so I can't compare it but I have fallen in love with this new gloss. The only sad thing is it doesn't stay on long, but that doesn't stop me from re-applying! I will definitely be using this for a long time.

6. Make-up Mist and Set

Along with the eyelid primer, it makes your makeup stay on ALL DAY. Well, all day in Molly world that is. All it takes is one straight spray to the face and you are set! On the days I forget to put this on I'm always kicking myself in the butt, it really does make a big difference.

So that's review! All thanks to winning the awesome giveaway by Lindsey. I would DEFINITELY definitely recommend the e.l.f. products and will be a good customer to them in the future! Plus, it's so CHEAP with the awesome quality all in one. My kind of product :)

OHHHHHH and wait wait...

Speaking of e.l.f. if you haven't heard there is a 40% off going on if you spend $25. Ready, Set, Shop Shop Shop!! {Offer ends at MIDNIGHT!}

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tis the season!

to get a root canal


go to Halloween parades!

Let the weekend BEGIN (and let the happy gas be blasted!)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wedding Wednesday {Bouquet}

It's WEDNESDAY, so technically for me it's THURSDAY.
Ya, see my days are all jacked up.

But we are Wedding Wednesday"ing" it up nontheless!

Today is all about the BOUQUET.
I want something that is timeless, elegant, and simple.

Here are a few inspirations I have going on....{there are so many breathtaking ones!}




ahhhh love them ALL!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Truthful Tuesday

I get way too confused on what day it is because I "technically" only have three day weeks right now. I am always thinking Tuesdays are Mondays and Thursdays are Fridays and such. AHhhh.

So, thankfully my brain helped me remember it was Tuesday.
AND I haven't done Truthful Tuesdays in a week or two so I thought I'd pump it back up.


I didn't sleep last night because I was so excited about my purchase!
I saw this awesome news at From Mrs to Mama and if you haven't seen it, well here is what to do!

 {$25 for $50 at}Go HERE 
Sign UP {automatically get $5 credit}
CLICK ON "Make it Mine"
Then before purchasing use promo code "fabulous" & get 10% OFF!
$25 for $50 turns into $17.50 for $50.
Then go to her WEBSITE and find the goods.
When checking out put in your code from the you just received.
{if you click view on your purhcase it will have the code in top right corner}
THEN type in another promo code "welcome 10" {if BEFORE November 1st to get ANOTHER $10 OFF.
It will show you your total so make sure it takes off the right amount.
{if you have any questions just ask!}

Seriously, is this real life?!
Another Christmas present down!!! YEEHAW.

I have never really liked dressing up for Halloween.
I know, I know. Snooooooooze.
Mostly because I can never think of a good costume and I hate being what someone else is.
But I just have never really been into it.
I'd rather give kids candy and watch the craziness.
Sorry to disappoint.

ya I got this like an hour before we went out. lameo.

I'm all about this weather.
Most people get all sorts of sad when summer ends.I get kinda happy.
 Not about school and such, but about the weather change.
See, my skin is way sensitive to sunlight/heat.
I get sick when I have too much and am in it too long.
Not my idea of fun.
However, I am obsessed with all things outdoors so I always have to make sure I have an a hat or sunglasses.  Then when fall rolls around it is like a huge relief to not have to worry about feeling like death everytime I am in the extreme heat. Love love love love fall the very most. FOR SURE.

Jeffy & my 3 year anniversary is next TUESDAY!
Although we have to spend it apart, hopefully we can celebrate this weekend or next.
Can't believe it has been THREE YEARS since that day I drank too much whiskey and fell for my ticket man. Can't wait for the next bazillion years together! Yup, we are living to bazillin people!

Happy Monday, Tuesday, WHATEVER TODAY IS!

Monday, October 24, 2011

"winning" day

If the word "winning" wasn't oveused then that would be for sure be the word to describe today. I started the day off...well, sleeping and then got a call around 6:41 A.M.

Mondays and Fridays are my days off until December. Err...who in the WORLD would be calling me that early? Seriously....I like my sleep.  Don't get between me and that precious time. Well.. I was called into sub for the school I use to student teach at.

So I started off the day a little hectic and was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. So the Monday started off a little crazy, but I was so pumped to be making some money! Then I come home from work and I see something by the front door.


Remember those giveaways I won?...Yup, they came on the same today. I thought I was dreaming. Hopefully I am not because I was excITED!! I ripped that baby  open so fast it didn't even know what to do.

I may or may not have gotten a little picture carried away. My apologizes. First time using my {Jeff's} camera in awhile. Thought I'd show it some love.

THANK YOU Define Design (& MEGAN for hosting the giveaway!)...I am so in love with this!!
P.S. She gets her projects out in like .2 seconds too..I would DEFINITELY recommend her and her servivces!


creepily excited

definitely using these for our engagment pictures!!! p.s. when did I get so many freckles?

ya ya lip gloss and eye liner courtesy of e.l.f......will review products when I've used them all :)

Back to my usual ol' life now!


Friday, October 21, 2011

cloud nine

There are a few reasons why I am on cloud nine or fifty right now.

1.) Buffalo Sauce made it's way back into my life.
Important Molly Fact: OBSESED with all things buffalo sauce
2.) We are CAMPING this weekend.
Smores + Camp Fire + Family & Fiance = HEAVEN
3.) KU vs KSTATE game.

roooock chalkkkkkkk
4.) Jeff is buying a sweet new ride.
sorta kinda our {his} first big purchase that will impact BOTH of us in our future.
kinda exciting! {maybe will turn into a Molly car someday ;)
5.) Get to see JEFF & MY FAMILY this weekend.
Cheers to THAT.
6.) We are getting our engagment pictures taken next weekend. Ahhhh I need HELP!
7.) Lucky number 7 {that I actually hate}  I got to see my kiddos today and only had to work five hours..which were an absolute blast!
8.) {Because I don't like the number seven} I can wear a long sleeve shirts and sweats.
And that just makes me really happy.

numba one hawks!

Hope y'all have a slappy happy flappy  Friday.

Let's get em Jayhawks!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Some miracle has come upon us all and I have won not only one giveaway in the past month


Really? Seriously?

This does not happen to me.

I am that girl that never ever gets picked to win anything. Ever.

One time when I was younger {grade school} I was at a D.A.R.E day thing at lake nearby and they have a huge raffer at the end of it where pretty much every single kid there won something.

Who didn't? Ya, that would be me.
The little white paper with my name neatly printed on it had actually....somehow....flew OUT of the box and had brown shoe scuff marks all over it that they later found after....all the prizes were gone. That is how unlucky I am in the prize department.

So big virtually hugs to Lindsey & Michelle for giving me a month of good luck :)

Oh and P.S. Becky is having an UH-mazing giveaway over at From Mrs to Mama that you {shouldn't} check out because I want to be the winner winner chicken dinner. Planners and me have a special bond....that giveaway needs me :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wedding Wednesday {Ya, about that}

My head is spinning so fast I cannot even think straight.

I have been so focused on student teaching and grad classes starting up that I have once again put the wedding on the back burner. Eff. 

I need.  need.  need. to get things rolling people.

My sanity may just fly out the window at any second. Have you sensed that in the past posts?


couldn't have said it better myself.

I e-mailed the DJ about booking the date and they decided to ignore me all together. So now I need to call them but somehow I just cannot get myself to do this. I think I say I'll do it "tomorrow" about everyday. No Molly, you will do it TODAY. Woman.

so obsessed with this flower.

So I need to do that, and figure out a florist and photographer.

Three MAIN things I need to get going on. Like, right now.

I do realize though now why I changed our wedding date from June {in the very beginning} to August. Because I know my poor crazy scattered brain could not handle all of this craziness at once.

Good news is...I am beginning to have Mondays and Fridays off to work on school and I can also work on the wedding stuff. Thank the Lord for those two days. I have a feeling they are going to safe my life. Quite literally. & Maybe I can make some money so I have money...that'd be nice.

Sorry Wedding Wednesday or post for that matter have been lameo. And that I have been a TOTALLY debbie downie.  Really, I'm just trying to keep on a rolling, I feel like I am sinking some days. I can't wait until next year when I actually have some time to put into  doing things I enjoy like making recipes, making crafts, getting into some hobbies, not worrying about everything little tiny thing I get and just focusing on Jeff & myself as we into this crazy world together.

cuttttte! all pictures via

For now, I'm just going to enjoy the ride because I know....for a fact....I will look back to this day and think "man...those were the GOOD days." For real. Happens way too often to count.


Monday, October 17, 2011

being thankful

Lately I feel like I am constantly complaining about something.


I have gotten annoyed at possibly everything in my way.

I have treated people like dirt, that only are trying to love and be there for me.

I have seen the worst in every situation and the worst in myself.

I have simply been the person that I hate seeing, and never want to be.

I don't know what it is, but I do know there is no excuseAnd I keep looking at myself thinking "who are you?!"

So today I just want to be thankful.

Thankful to love, and to be loved back.

Because I know at the end of the day...
that will get me through anything.


i survived

I survived the 8 weeks.

I even got paid on my last day there.

Yup, I was asked to sub...for!

I couldn't have asked for a better last day with my kids, and subbing made it much easier to not unravel into an emotional mess. I'm going to miss those little 6/7 years olds so much.

To make the day a little better I also got flowers from the mister, a book from the class {letters to me-hilarious!}, and a book from my teacher called The Courage to Teach.

Can't believe that Step 1 is over, and onto Step 2 starting tomorrow.
Whew they don't waste any time around here!

Tomorrow I start another round of student teaching with 4th graders. Ya, those ones who actually like the opposite sex {oh boooy}, know more than they should, and may or may not be taller than myself.

Hopefully my experience with them is just as good or better than with my 1st grade crew.
Gonna be a hard one to beat tho.

I was going to talk about my weekend of Bachlorette happens, but the girl that took all the pictures {ya, no way I was bringing my camera into the scene} hasn't put them up yet so I'll have to share those and the good stories later.

Hope everyone has a fabbbbbbbbbbulous Monday!

I know I am because I got to SLEEP IN & have most of the day off :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

teacher gift on a budget

So this coming Friday is my last day student teaching in the first grade classroom.
{as I've said 1 bazillion times..sorry broken record over here}

I wanted to do something nice for my teachers and knew I had to
do it on a budget. Ya... our school does this really cool thing called make the students work for free and then force them to take grad classes all at the same time. Real genius idea.

 I decided to give them a gift I would want and hoping they will like it the same! I went to the dollar tree here in town and scouted out some finds to make the {not quite} perfect teaching gift that is easily affordable.

I found some plastic coffee cups that I absolutely love! They are $5 at Wally World, but at the dollar tree they were only.....well, a dollar. Score! I thought these would be perfect because both of my teachers love their coffee every morning! However, they only have a coffee cup so they can't jam as much caffeine into one cup as they need, or want. So here I offer them loads more room for a caffeine fix.

cousin's dog trying to get in the photo shoot.
I  thought ...what would I want if I were a teacher? Well let me tell you I couldn't think of anything! They pretty much have everything I could think of. Also, I didn't want to get something that would just clutter their desk. I wanted something they would USE, and that I have seen them use often.

So I added a small journal, a thank you card, sharpies of all different colors, and fun different colored pens. All for around $4.50 each. I say that's not too shabby for all that it included, especially those amazing sharpies!

At first I figured they'd be like "ugh...more pens and markers in my life?!" then I realized what teacher doesn't love these things. My mom also said she'd enjoy it {she's a teacher} so I figured they would like it too. I get all giddy for school supplies, and they better too....or else this gift if a huge big fat FAIL.

That's all for today folks :)

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