Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Truthful Tuesday

I get way too confused on what day it is because I "technically" only have three day weeks right now. I am always thinking Tuesdays are Mondays and Thursdays are Fridays and such. AHhhh.

So, thankfully my brain helped me remember it was Tuesday.
AND I haven't done Truthful Tuesdays in a week or two so I thought I'd pump it back up.


I didn't sleep last night because I was so excited about my purchase!
I saw this awesome news at From Mrs to Mama and if you haven't seen it, well here is what to do!

 {$25 for $50 at erincondren.com}Go HERE 
Sign UP {automatically get $5 credit}
CLICK ON "Make it Mine"
Then before purchasing use promo code "fabulous" & get 10% OFF!
$25 for $50 turns into $17.50 for $50.
Then go to her WEBSITE and find the goods.
When checking out put in your code from the plumdistrict.com you just received.
{if you click view on your purhcase it will have the code in top right corner}
THEN type in another promo code "welcome 10" {if BEFORE November 1st to get ANOTHER $10 OFF.
It will show you your total so make sure it takes off the right amount.
{if you have any questions just ask!}

Seriously, is this real life?!
Another Christmas present down!!! YEEHAW.

I have never really liked dressing up for Halloween.
I know, I know. Snooooooooze.
Mostly because I can never think of a good costume and I hate being what someone else is.
But I just have never really been into it.
I'd rather give kids candy and watch the craziness.
Sorry to disappoint.

ya I got this like an hour before we went out. lameo.

I'm all about this weather.
Most people get all sorts of sad when summer ends.I get kinda happy.
 Not about school and such, but about the weather change.
See, my skin is way sensitive to sunlight/heat.
I get sick when I have too much and am in it too long.
Not my idea of fun.
However, I am obsessed with all things outdoors so I always have to make sure I have an a hat or sunglasses.  Then when fall rolls around it is like a huge relief to not have to worry about feeling like death everytime I am in the extreme heat. Love love love love fall the very most. FOR SURE.

Jeffy & my 3 year anniversary is next TUESDAY!
Although we have to spend it apart, hopefully we can celebrate this weekend or next.
Can't believe it has been THREE YEARS since that day I drank too much whiskey and fell for my ticket man. Can't wait for the next bazillion years together! Yup, we are living to bazillin people!

Happy Monday, Tuesday, WHATEVER TODAY IS!


Suze said...

I just put in an EC order as well with one of those website deals. I can't wait!

Happy anniversary- that picture of you two is too cute! :)

Unknown said...

So glad you shared this! I've been dying for an Erin Condren Planner and now I can get one without feeling guilty!

Unknown said...

Happy early Anniversary!

Sierra said...

Glad you got in on some fab discounts and hope you two love birds are out celebrating this weekend - happy Anniversary! :)

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