Sunday, October 2, 2011

homecoming weekend

For the past few years of my college life I slowly began to realize that I didn't need to drink until I forgot about my night. I also realized I didn't even need to drink to have fun.

I began to slowly veer away from the crazy college scene I had been in for the first two years of college and actually enjoy waking up with no hangover on Sundays. Well, at least most Sundays.
It was pretty great.

I still have fun. Always. But {for the most part} I didn't lay in bed for the following day feeling like I was dying a slow, slow death. I finally learned that there was a way to stop that feeeling. Smart me.

Thank goodness Jeff came into the picture that sophomore year also and calmed my wild little self down.


Then comes this weekend.  The football game was at 11:00 AM {ya, our football team really is pretty awful right now}.  I realized the drinking would start around 9-10, which it did with some delish mimosas.  What I did not realize, however, was that the drinking and eating would not end until about 2 AM that night.

Thank goodness we all had waters in between our whiskeys & bacardi's and was able to survive the crazy night after a who knows how many dollar bar tab, 26 dollar cab drive, and a 21 dollar pizza later.

All in all I must say homecoming weekend was a major success, and I had a blast with not only my number one but also his good friend from college who flew down from North Carolina and his wife.

Now everyone left me, so I decided to sleep a bazillion hours to catch up from yesterday.

To the books I go! Only two weeks of student teaching to go. Craziness!

Love good weekends with good people!

Hope everyone had a fab weekend as well.


Michelle said...

Sounds like a fun homecoming weekend! I always love when people add in the crazy costs that make it all worth it!

Anonymous said...

absolutely love college football! hope u have a great weekend this coming weekend!

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