Monday, November 7, 2011

my nights

Alright so as most of you know Mr. Fiance & I don't live together. Or even close together in fact. For the past 9 months he has been living 6 hours away. Brutal. We actually (in the good days) got to spend every single day together, and every single night. Well, for the most part. We would cook together, snuggle up on the couch and watch our "usual" shows together, go out for date nights, and ya whatever we wanted to do...because we could.

Well, obviously it doesn't work like that anymore. Actually, I am living in my cousin's basement until May. So I have done a huge switcheroo in life, and am honestly still not use to it. I miss it. I miss him. And I miss how things were. But that has nothing to do with this post, so whatever. Speaking of though, he is moving TWO HOURS AWAY in like a month. Excited? Yup, to the extreme.

So what is this post about then lady? Yeah well I thought I would show you what most of my nights look like these days. I am going to totally call myself out right now and put a big L on my forehead. But this picture right here, is my nights...most nights. I could blame it on the grad school + internship + wedding planning, but let's be honest....that's not that great of an excuse. So that's why when the weekend comes I want to go go go go go. And have fun fun fun. But then it just flies right by me and I don't know where it goes!

I guess this is what happens when your love is far away, and all your friends that DO happen to still live in the same town are as busy as you. Someone save me, and let's go on a vacation! Thanks!

P.S. I may or may not have done this whole post to distract myself from all the work I really should be doing. Whoops.


Anonymous said...

I can totally emphasize with you on the long distance relationship thing. My husband and I were 8 hours away for the first 2 years of our dating relationship. I was SO over it. Then he moved into the same apt. complex as me, and started attending the same college as me. I was extactic! Distance definitely makes the heart grow stronger. p.s. I don't think you're a loser at all. embrace it while you can girl! :) Sure does beat a mortgage!

Rorie said...

Your handwriting is fabulous. I also don't know how you do it. My fiance is only an hour away for the day and I can't take it!

Megan at Megan Can said...

I know the feeling! My boyfriend lives 9 hours away in Kansas actually & I'm in Illinois! It's hard but I know it will all be worth it in the end!

Charlotte said...

I can relate to the distance! I JUST moved to where he is and it is still hard trying to get used to the ability to being closer to one another. I know you are excited about his move! Yay! Keep us posted!

Marian said...

Yeah, a vacation right about now would be great:)

Kelly said...

I hear ya! Long distance is NO fun. But, it does make the heart grow fonder, as they say, right?? ;-D You can come to Las Vegas with me for Thanksgiving in two weeks! ;-) Just tell Fiance to meet us there.

Corinne said...

I used to cram my weeks/weekends full to help the time pass so I completely understand! 2 hours will be SO much better! I'm so excited for you!

Amanda said...

I would love to go on vacay with you. Sign me up! My nights are pretty much the same, minus the school work since M is 3 hours away :(

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