Three years....seriously?
The three very best years of my life.
On November 1, 2008 the Fiance & I happened to cross paths.
The time I would get liquid courage to chat with the handsome guy.
And on November 1 I found my ticket man. For life.
The past few years we've had a lot of highs, some lows, but always a lot of love.
We have had our GREAT days, and our frustrating days.
We have left our other half for 9.5 months and made it.
It was hard. {Still is} Really, really hard. But we did it. Because we have each other.
And just not long enough with you. Hopefully you can handle me that long ;)
And just not long enough with you. Hopefully you can handle me that long ;)
Happy 3 Years to the man who has and continues to make all of my dreams, and now our dreams....come true.
If only we could spend this day together.....
Love you to the moon and back papa bear.

And it's 11/1/11....that has to be some sort of luck :)
Aww Happy Anniversary!! I know how it feels to spend the day apart (Russ and I just celebrated our 4 years together yesterday and he's off on interviews).
And the 11/1/11 IS pretty awesome!
awww congrats :) my hubby and i were together for 4 yrs before we got married!!!
aww, cute!
Happy Anniversary!!
so sweet!!!! happy anniversary to you two love birds:) Do you have a "how you guys met" post yet? I still need to post one about my luvahhh -- ours is quite the story!
happy anniversary to you two love birds! :)
Happy Anniversary! November 1st is a great day. Its the day C and I got engaged in 2008.
Happy anniversary! Y'all are precious :)
Also, I just read your engagement story, and I've always thought "shut up! are you serious!" was the way I would respond. I guess we'll have to see. Love your blog!
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