Thursday, March 29, 2012

letting go

Sometimes I just need to be reminded that God is in control. Totally and fully.

I tend to forget this a lot. And sometimes I just think that I can do everything myself.
Psh, that sure hasn't worked out so well.

As I am in the process for finding a job or...not finding a job I guess I could say, I have realized that I will fall where I am meant to fall. Eventually. Whether it is teaching or not.

If I don't get a job, then that is not in my plan. There is something else out there for me. As I am stressing filling out application after application with no news,  I have hope that something will work out. Eventually. Patience has never been my strong suit.

I just want to open my heart up to letting go of the steering wheel and stop trying to control every second of my life and getting discouraged when it doesn't go exactly as I have planned out in my head. I didn't create the story, so there is no way I know how the story goes.

Sometimes I just have to be reminded to not give up when it feels like all I'm doing it running in place and going no where.

I'm letting go. {And continuing to  pray for a job :)}


Meg O. said...

Aw, honey. I know this is very frustrating. You are taking a great attitude with this, girlie. I'll be thinking about you!

Kristin said...

As soon as I "let go" a couple of years ago, everything started to fall into place. Your story won't be like anyone else's. It's life-changing when you realize this!

Amanda said...

It'll happen when it's supposed to happen. I promise :) I believe in you! And remember, if they don't want you, then you don't want them! Don't forget that.

Abbey said...

Oh my gosh, job searching is so awful. I was looking for months last year and it was so hard to keep getting rejected. I hope your search goes well and that you find something soon!

Allyce said...

Gosh, letting go is SO hard to do. Especially in an age where it seems like we must go "by these steps" and complete "this" before we go onto "that." But really, when you let go and surrender to God's plan, it becomes worth it. Hey, not saying I am always able to do it, but it's what we strive for right?! ;)

Sar said...

Amen sister. I completely understand feeling like it's hard to give control to God. Praying for you! <3

Neely said...

Let go and let god!

Jeannie said...

I TOTALLY agree. Such a good lesson to be learned - yet so hard to do!! :)

Caty said...

AMEN SISTER! I too, am the WORST at letting go. We're making a huge move in Sept and still no jobs lined up. It's freakin us out, but I keep praying! Will pray lots for you as well! This kind of ride isn't always the funnest...but it adds to the experience to cherish!

Megan said...

Will say some prayers!!

Janet said...

Let go and let God; have faith and trust the process. Keep doing the footwork and the right opportunity will find you! Don't be in a hurry!

Love you,


Kristin said...

Will pray something amazing finds its way to you!!

Tiffany said...

I'm sitting here agreeing with EVERYTHING you say! Keep will find a GREAT job.

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