Saturday, March 3, 2012

getting fit for lent

Annnnnd I'm back.

This week has been buck wild and I haven't had much time to post but I thought I'd pop in to chat about my week of getting healthy & fit.

It all started with the not so fun grocery visit....

First things first, if you don't have the fooducate app for the iphone stop what you are doing and GET IT NOW!

It assisted me throughout my entire grocery visit and is making eating healthy a whole lot easier. On some items at the grocery store I really don't know good or bad they are for me and usually got lost on the back labels. This app allows you to scan your food and it gives it a grade of how healthy it is. So cool!

It also tells you if it gets a bad grade, why it got that grade and what it has in it. Boom Shaka Laka. Everything you see above is a B or above. If I scanned a food and it was a C,  back it went.

And this is how my meals went..roughly:

As you can see there are a few slip ups going on. However, for the most part I only put good things into my body and ate my vitamin gummies They really do make a difference! Also, I few times I caught myself turning time cupcakes, cookies, and other goodies that they were giving away at school. Score.

As for the workouts. Well, we can go ahead and all laugh together. I felt like I didn't have a spare second in my nights but on Monday I did manage to do this. Ouch is all I've got to say.

Even though I didn't do an "organized" workout every night this week, I am making a conscious effort while teaching to walk around the classroom and never sit down. This would equal about 7 hours of walking people. So I guess doing small things like that are helping me reach my goals!

After trying on my wedding dress {eeeek} I am more motivated to get that baby toned! Me, not my dress.

And somehow Jeff's scale says I lost 5 lbs but I think it's full of poo. I just don't know how that is physically possible. But hey, I'll roll with it.

Check out my girl's site to see how her 40 day challenge is going! And please leave your link in a comment if you are joining along! I need all the motivation I can get y'all!



C Mae said...

How old is the scale? hehee :)

I added your button to my button page finally! yay!

Jessica said...

I am trying that workout tomorrow night. the "wedding dress" is such great motivation, isn't it. Thanks for the workout tip.

Katie said...

great job! I'm definitely downloading that app! There are so many foods that seem like they are good for you and just are not! It's SO hard! Definitely getting my butt to work out is the hardest, and most crucial part, though!

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