Thursday, March 15, 2012

sleep cycle

Since I am trying my absolute hardest to not finish my project I am coming to the one place I know how to procrastinate the most, this el blog.

I am here to talk about a crazy app that I have just discovered.

It's call sleep cycle.

If you are cheap like me you will cringe at the thought of having to pay .99 cents for an app. However, it is so cool you don't even notice your dollar has disappeared.

The only reason I am talking about this is because I'm like tired, always.
 I may have mono or something I have no idea. Oh wait, it's probably  because I get home from work and sit on my arse "trying" to do homework and finish projects when really I just stalk you all and get on pinterest.  

Story of my life.

Anyway. What is this app?!

Welllllllll let me tell you. This is what it says on my iphone at least.......

"As you sleep you go through different states of sleep that range from deep sleep to light sleep. The state you are in when your alarm clock goes off will decide how tired you feel."

It pretty much says your normal alarm clock sucks and wakes you in the deepest sleep with you are barely conscious (sometimes). This app tries to wake you up in your lightest sleep state so you feel rested and relaxed.

Heck yes, count me in sleep cycle.

My sleep cycle the other night....

Weird thing is, I researched about the app first. Ya, I don't normally do that. Too time consuming for me. I'm more of a yes okay let's do it kind of person. With this though I saw a lot of people talking about it but wanted to check out the reviews first, you know....since I am paying .99 cents for it and all.

The reviews were crazy awesome, and now I know why. Shiz is crazzzzzzzzzy. Like, it works. The phone can actually sense when you move..and other scientific jazz. How weird. An app...that works, and actually helps me?

It's too weird.

Actually I have no idea why I did a whole entire boring post about this but I have got to say I DEFINITELY feel more rested when I wake up and during the day. 
When I get home is a whole other story.

So I guess the point of the story is if sleep and you do not get a long and you wake up flipping exhausted every single day (like moi) then try this app about because it'll rock your little or big socks right off!


Renee Arianna said...

I tried this two nights ago after seeing your instagram post! I'm still not totally sold on it but I was just like you. Feel more rested.. count me in! haha. I'm going to keep using it though. My graph has significantly more peaks and troughs than yours though. I must roll around like every two hours!

Kelly said...

Greg has talked about this app before but we have never used it. I'm intruiged by it though! Can't wait to try it out :-)

MonicaLeeBlog said...

This is soooo crazy! Yay for feeling more rested! :]

Courtney said...

I have heard about this app but i didnt wanna pay either. But i think you just convinced me. It sounds awesome.

Amanda said...

I've debated downloading this... do you think it will track M being in bed too now though? That's what my concern would be that it's tracking two people instead of just me...

Sami said...

I've heard of this but now I want to try it!

Anonymous said...

That sounds awesome!!! I'm always tired!! I may have to try this! :)

erinj0 said...

Crazy! I was very skeptical at first as well. I just might have to try this...

Neely said...

This is amazing I want

Unknown said...

This is not a boring post! Totally helpful. Love your blog! New follower. Stop by and visit me sometime. ;)

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