Wednesday, February 1, 2012

a freebie

Okay so I know I probably haven't really shared this little bit of info about myself but I'm a bit frugal.

My whole life I've always been about saving money and getting a good deal. It use to make me sick to even go to the grocery store. I'm better now, but I still am always hunting for the best deals possible, especially now because I have to work for free for an entire year.  I refuse to pay full price on anything but food in most all cases.

Anyway, I found a deal that you all should hear about because it's pretty awesome and FREE.

Yes, free.

Sneakpeeq is giving ALL new members 2 free badges of  friendship bracelets & $10 free to use on the site! The deal is only today so hurry your little pants off! I think they are too cute!

How do you get this free awesomeness?!

1.) Become a member {here} and click on the "sign in " button which automatically has you sign in through facebook.
2.) Click on "get your reward" to get the snazzy bracelets!
3.) Now send  the free $10 away to 3 of your  lovely friends.
4.) Now you will be taken to the page with the "Friendship Bracelet". Click "peeq your price".
5.) You will now be smiling because it says $20 but you don't have to pay that because you rock and did this so press "buy now" and it will take you to checkout. Your total =$0



Renee Arianna said...

Aww! I'm sad! I just did this and it didn't work for me. It took me to a page with other jewelry. They must have sold out of those bracelets.

Renee Arianna said...

OHH I found them! You have to go to style and click the enduring links one.

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