Friday, March 25, 2011

Job Status and Sweet Sixteen

Yesterday I got to thinking.
Yes, I know I think a lot but then time I was thinking hard.
Real hard.
Scratch your head hard.

I was at Jeff's co-worker's house and being introduced to his family.
Jeff's roommates girlfriend was also in town so we all got to meet them together.
Then a question was asked, "What's your major?"
I said Elementary.

Then they turned to the other gal and she said, "Well I'm going to be going to med school."
Instantly, they became interested asking all about the MCAT horror tests and goobaly gop I don't know anything about.
Then they were trying to figure out something later on about a Spanish word and for some reason thought the future doctor would know the answer. Hola, Me llamo Molly. See I know it too ;)
I think thought to myself...hmmm...what is SO different about a doctor and a teacher. Okay, a lot. (Y'all are brilliant. You saves lives. You try to take others pain away. You are AWESOME)
Obviously they have to be extremely extremely smart, dedicated, and trustworthy. But who said teacher's aren't either? I mean they don't like "technically" save lives....but really, they do. It's just not necessarily in the same sort of way. Doctors, I love you, trust me. I could NEVER EVERRRRRRR do what you do, but sometimes I think teacher's get gipped. I don't know how to spell gipped. I apologize. 
Teachers aren't dumbies. I hate when I hear people acting like being a teacher is such a piece of pie job with all giggles and smiles. No people, they poo their pants, they get mad, the learn at all different levels, and they are no where near independent.  Ya, it's not open heart surgery but it is a big deal. They need us to help them grow into young adults who will be good people and succeed with whatever they have a passion to grow up to be. They need US to become doctors, lawyers, CEO's, Presidents, and etc. I think people sometimes look over the fact that if these children were not taught how to do all of these things, then they simply wouldn't know how to do them.
That's my piece of mind at least.
I'm sure a lot of others differ.
I use to think the same thing though. I use to think, "How hard could it be to hang out with kids all day and teach them really cool things and do experiments and art?" HAHA
Ya, I am laughing at that one now.
It is hard.
It is ALOT of work.
Our reward?
Changing lives.
I wouldn't change that for the world.

Okay cool now that I got that off my chest. 
Sweet Sixteen.
6:30 P.M. Central Time.
Be there.

Am I obsessed with Jeff's Mac and Photobooth?
Obviously not.


Bree said...

4 of my girl friends went to teachers college, another is almost done med school, and another is a nurse. Guess I've got smart friends? haha but really, the girls in teachers college were ALWAYS saying how much work it was, doing all the lesson plans and stuff. They're used to the jokes about only going into it because they want the summer off, blah blah blah. But yeah, I know it's hard work. Not me personally, but from what I hear from them.

Molly S. said...

Haha yeah the summer jokes are just something that comes with it I guess :) I wish I had the brain of a doctor but I guess I got blessed with a trait to change lives in a different way. I can't complain! Hope you are having a great FRIDAY. Whoot Whoot.

Anonymous said...

Teachers and definitely under-appreciated. Always keep in mind that Doctors wouldn't be Doctors without their Teachers!

~ Cara

Meagan said...

Thank you so much for your sweet comment! It truly meant a lot to hear. And you are right...teachers do NOT get enough credit...they are truly a blessing from God! Hope you had a fun time with your man! :]

Take All Chances - Missy said...

Yep- I have now been teaching for 4 years and it still irritates me to hear ppl say I have it easy and lots of holidays!!I just tend to nod and laugh now!Unless someone is best friends or live with a teacher they have no idea..until they have their own kids (and even then they still don't get it sometimes?!). It's something you will get all career so my advice is to perfect a look which says...I get the, na, na na, naa!
Childish I know but we're teachers? We do nothing all day!

Good luck!!

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