Monday, January 9, 2012

mini vacation

Feet have currently touched back down in Kansas. 

I must say, that 4 day vacation was pretty great and I really wish I could just fly around the United States every weekend. How great would that be?!

So a few things went down while Jeff & I were in Boston visiting my oh so fabulous aunt. One item was even crossed off of the bucket list {celtics game}.

I would have a lot of pictures but sadly, I left my camera behind on accident. Story of my forgetful life. However, here are a few to recap our mini vacation to New England. A big {huge} thanks to my aunt for everything. She is a pretty darn special woman!

Day 1

Celtics v. Pacers
New York Style Pizza

Day 2

Newberry Street
Dressed up  & went to dinner @  a fancy  restaurant to celebrate our engagement with my aunt's {uh-mazing} friend

(pictures locked away on the camera that resides in Massachusetts at the moment...sad, sad)

Day 3

Traveled up to New Hampshire & Maine
I married the IPhone 4S & Siri. Our love is undeniable.

iphone quality-sorry!
hahah. love it.
Day 4

Packed up & headed home to God's country

It just amazes me every time I travel how nuts it is that you can fly anywhere...ANYWHERE in the United States in just a hop, skip, and jump. It blows my mind.

P.S. does anyone else count swimming pools and baseball fields when they are flying?

Feels good to be back and can't wait to catch up reading blogs and get busy with mine!


erica said...

What a fun mini vacation! xo

Amanda said...

Looks like you had a very fun time! Too bad we couldn't meet up :( Next time!!!

Holly said...

Looks like you had a great time!
I love mini vacays :)

Kelly said...

BEEEEAUTIFUL photo of you guys on the beach!! Sounds like you all had SO much fun. And YES, I'm just like you-- I get SO amazed with flying. I always feel like SUCH a kid, but now I'm glad that I'm not alone!! ;-)

Crystal said...

Isn't Boston freakin' awesome?!? I love Boston. We try to go there a few times a month. Let me know if you're ever out this way and need a tour guide on Cape Cod.

jessica said...

I always LOVED to count swimming pools and baseball fields when I was younger! Looks like you had a great weekend! I love going to BBall games- and pizza with a bball game, yessssssssss!

Hope your having a great week!


Unknown said...

Looks like an awesome vacation!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Hi. I'm from Boston & live in NH now. I love PizzaRia Regina. Isn't the pizza awesome? We have some in our malls, but the 1 in the North End is the best.

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