Monday, January 30, 2012

engagement weekend

I just wanted  to thank you all for such sweet words yesterday about my new blog layout! Y'all rock my socks off.

So as a lot of you all know Jeff & I went on an Engagement Encounter this past weekend that lasted from Friday night until Sunday afternoon. The weekend was technology free and actually kind of rocked!

Even though this was a requirement for our church, I am so glad we went. Not going to lie I was pretty flipping nervous at first.  Oh and good news... my roommate was normal, actually really nice and did not kidnap me. Score. The whole purpose of the weekend was to prepare us for marriage and as they say "A wedding is one day, a marriage is a lifetime." So we learned tools to help us have a good marriage and defeat those crazy 50% divorce rate stats. Booya.

A few {of many} things I learned....

Communication is the very most important thing in a relationship 
{other than love, of course}
I swear I learned more things in the past weekend than I have like my whole life. Okay maybe thats an exaggeration but hearing real stories from one certain couple that had been married 49 years pretty much made my life. Get this, the lady {Polly} gave her husband {Pat} a love coupon book not too long ago & one coupon was for a hickie anywhere on the body. So great.

Jeff & I have opposite personalities but all the same values, goals & interests
We took those extra fun personality type "get to know yourself" quizzes and we scored totally opposite. Well in the aspect of things like "more reserved" more "authority" and all that jazz. I was kind of surprised but it was 500% on the money about how our personalities were. Pretty much Jeff needs patience & I need to stop being scared of change. haha. True dat.

My love language is Words of Affirmation & Physical Touch
We also watched part of the Five Love Languages video which I totally loved. It really is inspiring and very relatable if you ever get the urge to read the book or watch the video. It makes so much sense it's a little scary. My love tank is all sorts of full today!  Funny thing was the couple who was speaking told us that it was really rare for a couple to ever have the same love language and what do you know....Jeff & I's were exactly the same.

Not having technology for a whole weekend was a blessing in disguise 
It also felt "freeing". Nothing to worry about but each other. No e-mails to respond to, no lessons to plan, no nothing. You don't realize how much technology affects how you spend time with someone until it's not there. It was nice to not be sitting next to each other doing something on our phones, but rather just enjoying each others company distraction free. I would def. recommend it. Seriously though.

God is good. Really good.
And I'm pretty darn thankful to be a child of God. I thank him multiple times a day for all he has given me. I really feel blessed to be surrounded with so much love, and even from you all. It's good stuff I tell ya, good stuff. Maybe someday I'll write about my rocky journey in this topic but I couldn't be more happy to be exactly where I am and have Him to thank for it all.


Katie said...

this looks like something i should look into ;) glad you had a great time and grew as a couple!

... said...

I am so glad you went to this! I know you were nervous...but look how awesome it was! :) Are you even more excited to marry this stud?! :) I bet so!

Corinne said...

I'm happy to hear the retreat went well and that the roomie was normal AND didn't kidnap you ;)
I get into moods where I ask Russ if we can unplug ourselves for the day or the evening. Sometimes it makes me sad how heavily we rely on electronics!
Glad to hear it was a good weekend!

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

The pastor who married us made us do the marriage classes too. We did those quizzes and everything. We pretty much knew each ther really well, so there want any surprises. We did the Five Love Languages and we were exactly the same too! Even if you put my five in order, his five was exactly the same too. He was amazed that we were exactly the same and all five at that, since it's supposed to be rare.

Crystal said...

I love this whole concept.

We luckily discussed anything and everything before we got married. So far, been married 9 years and going strong.

I agree with the no phones. I REALLY REALLY REALLY need to do that every now and again.

Love the last photo.

Jennifer said...

Glad it went well!

Bree said...

I remember reading something online a while ago about love language and I was something like 'acts of service'-if he does the dishes, or helps me clean, or anything like that..that's what I'm talkin' about! haha

Holly said...

I love this whole post.
I cant wait for Mike and I to do ours!
When you said this "Jeff & I have opposite personalities but all the same values, goals & interests" I couldnt relate more. Thats exactly Mike and I!

Michelle said...

I love your new blog design! It really looks great! I think I even told you that already! :)

I think it's so true that you can be opposites as long as you both have goals and the same values!

Charlotte said...

So glad it was a good experience! And love love love your new design!

Kristin said...

WOW I love this!! What kind of church do you go to? I would love to do something like that!!

Amanda C. said...

That's awesome. See you were all worried for nothing.

Unknown said...

I really wish I had been able to do this before I got married.

Mrs. Mama said...

beautiful beautiful beautiful post.

o to the m g! i LOOOOVE it. its so bright, classy, clean, and SO YOU!

clearly, i don't hide my excitement!

WAHM @ Sale Engagement Rings said...

It's really great to see that you are happy...And it sounds like your weekend retreat was a real "treat"...I don't know what your old blog design was like, but this design truly rocks (just like you said) !!!...Thanks for sharing your adventures into marital bliss...

jessica said...

First, that picture is adorable!! second, you and your fiance sound just like my fiance and I. We are complete opposites, but we definitely want the same things with our life- family, love, travel, etc. It is so true that opposites attract!

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