Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Truthful Tuesday Link-Up

The TRUTH is....

The picture for the link-up is a work. in. progress.
I realize the picture is kind of whack right now but trust me it won't look that awful in the future. Plus, I still haven't had time to create a button code so if you want the picture just save it I guess for now?
Sorry, me and technology aren't best friends yet...we are rekindling our romance soon.

I am excited about getting healthy again.
I have been so exhausted lately I know that eating better and working out will help my energy times ten. I always feel like a whole new person when I  treat my body right and not feed it 5 packages of fruit snacks a day.

I miss income.
It's actually kind of killing me and stressing me out. I'm not use to this. I am big on saving and with this whole no income and lots of outcome, I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown. And good news for me I have to pay for a 300 dollar test in the next week with an addition to 300 dollar in books. Need to find a way to make some extra money or sommmmmmmmething.

What did I do with my life before blogging?
I have no idear.
Well, I guess I had a "boyfriend" that I got to see every night {seems like so long ago!} and roommates that I would hang out with and go out on the town with.  I do love the blog world and all of you in it. It motivates me to not only be a better person but also to create, do things for myself, and challenge myself on a daily basis.
Link-Up & I'll love you FORVER.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

You're right!! Working out and eating right WILL help with you feeling exhausted-- as will sleeping enough and drinking enough water too! Hahaha, as much as I would LOVE to think that fruit snacks are actually the equivalent of FRUIT too... Sadly, they're not ;-) And I get ya on the missing of the money thing... Student teaching is hard like that :-P

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