Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wedding Wednesday {reception, please}

It's a wedding kind of day!

And we have a VENUE.

{Thank the Lord}

This past weekend Jeff came back home with me and he got to check out the possible venue for our wedding. The first venue didn't work because it had been booked many months before and well, just wasn't happening. Then we decided to try another route and check out the local golf course in my home town.

I question myself, a little more than I should. And since day 1 of wedding planning I have questioned myself in everything. Always wondering if it was the "right" one or the "prettiest" one or what would look the best, yadda yadda yah. I am the worst decision maker possibly EVER. So this whole wedding planning biz is a bit rough on my brain. Thank goodness for my mom and aunts they keep me going with feedback and ideas. I have also realized that as long as it is about Jeff & myself then it will be perfect in the end.

However, the venue I just couldn't be sure in the decision until Jeff had seen it and liked it too. So as we pulled into the golf course I was all sorts of nervous of what he would say. I was reassured pretty quickly that it was the best decision and it would {hopefully} even be better than the first place we had chosen. Fingers crossed...tightly.

What's nice about the new venue are a few things but one of my favorite things is how cozy it is inside, and that it is a golf course. Fiance is currently obsessed with golf, and having the reception at a place where he loves is something pretty special that we get to do. The coziness is what makes Since it is a restaurant as well, it has a very warm feeling and that is exactly want my reception to be like. I want everyone to be comfortable and having a a glass.

I'm not gonna lie I wasn't happy about the change at first and really doubted it...but I'm coming along and really can't wait to get all the planning for it started and count down the days until August! I'm also putting in good karma in the mean time so it isn't a 150 degree day and our pictures are of us dripping sweat. Noooo thank you.

So CHEERS to a decision!

Happy Hump Day!


Lyndsay said...

I love weddings at country clubs. (I may be a bit biased because my wedding was at the country club in my town...haha.) But they're so nice because there's always pretty scenery! :)

Unknown said...

We got married at a golf course as well and we loved it.

Elizabeth Ann @ Elizabeth Ann's Recipe Box said...

Our reception was at my parents country club and we LOVED it! :-)

Sierra said...

I think that is the perfect venue - it will be super cozy outside and plus your man love it- perfect!

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