Thursday, April 7, 2011

Now That It Is Spring....

First things first,
Dear Molly:
I am pleased to inform you that you have been admitted on regular status to the 5th Year Licensure MSE/Elementary program at The University of Kansas for the Fall 2011 term.
That is scary.
Second things...second,
Thank you kindly for all your help with the wedding.
I greatly appreciate it.


Now for mi spring spill.
I need to get busy.
For real.
The sunshine makes me not want to do anything but play outside.
I really just wanna lay in the sunshine face up (obviously), soaking up the rays.
But sadly, I have a job and school which happen to require me getting off my back deck and actually doing something productive.
As I was laying in my back yard typing a paper, I realized a few things.
As usual.
Most of things involved what I needed to do to get ready for spring.

Some things I need for Spring:

1. ) Manicure/Pedicure
Need to get me some gorgeous pink on my footsies.
And fingers.
and...yup that's it.
If you haven't noticed, which I'm sure you have, my polish is coming off in 9 out of 10 of my pictures.
If you think my fingers look rough, imagine my toes that have been captive all winter.

2.) Uh...Color. What is that? My body forgot.

3.) Lake Bod.
That went down the drain when I ate like a whole pan of "better than crack brownies".
The title wasn't lying.
I couldn't stop eating them.
And no...I've never done crack, so don't even go there.

Come back to me Summer body.
4.) Spring Cleaning.
Trust me, you don't want to see a picture of what my room looks like.
Hurricane? Tornado?
Ya...something went through that thing without my knowing.
I'm starting today.
Plus, it is raining.
What else am I supposed to do?

5.) Lastly, please keep my miss Jillian in your prayers.
She was admitted to the hospital yesterday morning and will not come home until at least tomorrow.
She is on breathing treatments and trying to get her little lungs cleared out again.
I told her she had the right to be P.O'd, but she is being such a good girl and I'm hoping this all ends soon for her.
She needs our prayers to get her strong and healthy again.
I cannot take seeing her this way.
Please send them to precious little self.

Yes, she is flashing you if you don't.


Unknown said...

aww great post girl- i def need a fresh mani pedi for sure! although i tend to be cheap and DIY more ;) i def will be praying for your sweet lil lovebug! how presh are those pictures! xo

Suze said...

I need spring cleaning/new mani and pedi/ and get body ready for summer time too!

Jillian definately has my prayers! She totally made my day with that flashing picture hehe!

Hope you are being productive some girl and knocking those papers/projects/assignments out for school asap :)

Emily said...

oh! love your new touches to your blog! and I would totally recommend a pedi soon. Tiff and I went on Saturday, it was fabulous!

Katie Mar said...

girl!! i went to whole foods today and i couldn't find chia seeds :( i want them, too!!
love this post!! i want my summer bod back, too!! gotta work on that haha
definitely praying for jillian... so sad. that first picture broke my heart :(

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