Monday, February 14, 2011

The Day of Love

The hallmark holiday has arrived.

Happy Valentines Day!

I've always thought Valentines Day was kind of silly. I always wondered "why wouldn't you tell someone you love them on every other day?" , "shouldn't you always show the ones you love how you feel?". Then I got to thinking. I do this a lot you know. Many of us take such great love for granted. Even myself. Sometimes we forget to say "you  mean the world to me", "you make me happy", "thank you for being you", etc. No matter who it is to whether it be your dog, hopefully not your cat, mother, father, brothers, sisters, boyfriends, husbands, fiances,  friends etc. It isn't just about couples. My single people HATE Valentine's Day. I did. But it's not about who you are dating or who you are not dating. It's about reminding us that we have some really special people in our lives that we need to cherish each day. We need to tell them how much we love them and appreciate them. It is not only healthy, but extremly important. We wouldn't be the people we are without the being that fill us with love.

So please, don't spend today stressing over what gift to buy, what food to make, or how to impress someone. Spend today knowing that you have someone to love, no matter who it is, and you are very blessed. Spend today thanking the Lord for those beautiful gifts, others are not as fortunate. Enjoy this day, simply enjoy it because you deserve it. You deserve to be loved and to be loved back. We all do.

For the ones I love:

The words could never begin to describe how thankful I am for each and every one of you. You all have given me such joy and happiness that I couldn't be more blessed to have. I get through each day knowing I have people like you to talk to, come home to, call, and spend time with. Life isn't always easy, but it's always easier with you. I truly love you guys. I wish there were words. I could never tell you how much you guys mean to me. Just know you hold a special place in my heart. If you leave that place I will have to hurt you =) kidding. You guys just need to know how appreciative and happy I am to have you in my life,and I wouldn't change what I have for the world. So thank you family, friends, fiance, and of course doggy's for making me the luckiest girl on the Earth filled with a whole lotta love.

Happy Monday.
Make it a good one :)

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