Sunday, February 20, 2011

Do It For You, No one Else

Sometimes we get wrapped around doing things for others. Doing things to please others, make others happy, try to fit someone elses "requirements".  It's crap. =) Dont get me wrong I LOVE absolutely LOVE making others smile, doing things to make people happy, but sometimes you just have to do things for yourself. Because in all hoenstly, if  you aren't happy, you usually aren't making others happy around you either. Well, at least I don't.

Sometimes we get too caught up in making others happy, we forget about ourselves. When really we have t take care of ourselves first. If we don't, who will? We have needs too. Sometimes it is about YOU. I have no idea where this came from but I hate seeing how so many people focus on bettering themselves for other people, not themselves. So many people cannot see how amazing, truly amazing they are and feel they need to please someone else to make themselves feel good. No one is perfect, we never will be. Ever. But as long as we do the right thing, do what makes us happy,  have faith, and give to others the it will all fit into place.

I know I've fall through the crack plenty of times. I tried to do things because it would make people like me, make people thing I'm "cool", make people want to be friends with me. I am realizing what's most important. If I am changing who I am, changing my happiness to make someone else happy, then I don't need them in my life. I am realizing that the people I have in my life are the people I don't have to do things for them to like me, they will like me no matter what I look like, how I talk, how many name brand clothes I have, what I weigh, etc. I am realizing that I need the people in my life that make ME happy. I am so blessed and thankful for the  few people who have continued to love and support me no matter what. I would rather have a few, than a lot of people who I am trying to make happy for all the wrong reasons.

I want to be a better friend. I want to be more open to change. I want to be a better person. I want to show my parents how they have truly changed my life and make me happy each and every day. I want to thank  Jeff for always helping me see that faith, love, and giving conquers all. I want my friend Jenae to know that she has always been the one person I have always been able to count on that I never showed it or told her. I am ashamed of things I have done. Of the person I've been at times. But I am finally realizing what it takes to stop living to please others, but to please myself. It allows for me to welcome the good and get rid of the bad. It allows me to stop trying to make people be my friend when they never were in the first place. It makes me forgive, but not forget. Happiness comes from ourselves, and it allows others into our lives that also bring us love and happiness.

Really, this came out of nowhere. But I know its out there. I know what it's like to live to please others. I know what it's like to realize I am good enough. I know other people have been there too. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that we are our own best friend. We are all unique, special, and amazing people. And what should make us happy. We are all very blessed. More blessed that we will ever realize.

So thank you....for all you who have brought me happiness. I love you more than words can say.

I will rap for you later or something. This was deep. On the fun note :)

I am weird and I know it =) And show it.

Ya I look gross but she makes me SMILE
Thanks for listening. If you did. Maybe you skipped down to see Jillian's adorable face instaed. But if you did, thanks for listening. It may make no sense. But kept coming.  I was feelin' it.

Have a good Monday, you deserve it.



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